WP952024 Impact Assessment

Official Forecast (or best model for invest) Overview

This simulation is NOT based on the official forecast track! It is using the AVNO model.
More than likely this is because it is an invest area and does not have an official track yet.

JTWC Forecast Consistency Evaluation
Objective Model Dispersion Evaluation

Forecast consistency is based on how much difference there is between this forecast and a previous forecast. If the variation between the current forecast and the forecast made 24 hours previously is less than half of the average error, consistency is Excellent. Between half and the average, Good, between the average and 1.5 times the average Fair, and if over 1.5 times the average historical error consistency isconsidered Poor. Note that consistency is different from accuracy, but accuracy can only be determined in hindsight. A consistent forecast is more likely to be accurate than one that is jumping around, but it could be consistently wrong!

National Level Economic Impact Forecast
name totloss
China $ .28 Million USD
Japan $ 1.06 Million USD
Northern Mariana Islands $ .54 Million USD

type loss
Total Forecast Impact: $ 1.89 Million USD

National Level Population Impact Forecast
country_name pop_tswind pop_huwind pop_surge
China        213,678    
Japan         48,814    
Northern Mariana Islands         38,859    

name pop_tswind pop_huwind pop_surge
Total:        301,351    

Forecast Tracks
Raw tropical cyclone models are usually called early or late. Early models are those that run in time to be included in the official forecasts. Late models are more complex global models that take several hours to run, and the most recent run is not available for the forecaster to use in creating their products.

Up to four Ensemble Model outputs are shown (if available). The first is the US GFS model (AEMN). The second is from the Canadian Meteorological Center(CEMN). The third is the European Center for Medium Range Forecasting model (EEMN), and the fourth the US Navy GEM model

The maps here update hourly, and are solely to give you an idea of the information and challenges facing the forecaster. The official forecast is what you should be basing your decisions on!
Model Performance Summary
tech err012 err024 err048 err072 err096 err120 trend
AEMN 89 92 -1 -1 -1 -1 INCREASING
AVNO 111 134 -1 -1 -1 -1 INCREASING
CEMN 60 57 -1 -1 -1 -1 INCREASING
CMC 62 71 -1 -1 -1 -1 INCREASING

(4 rows)

Average error in nautical miles for this storm as of latest forecast model run. -1 means unavailable.

Intensity Forecast

Report generated by cortex2.methaz.org at Mon 09 Sep 2024 23:11:25 UTC
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